Friday, December 21, 2012

Santa, Old School

Vintage Christmas Santa Picture

Here's Santa, vintage 1800's, you gotta love the sword!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

UFO Saucer at Tomb of Jesus

UFO's and Aliens in Art History
This image depicts Mary at the tomb of Jesus. It is one of a series of images from the "Relinquary Box" which contains stones from holy sites of Palestine. Dated 6th-7th C. Located at Biblioteca, Vatican. Notice the dome shaped object above the tomb. If it is a building why is it hovering? Also, what is the round object on top?

The dome seems to be shooting a beam of light to the head of Jesus. Notice the space helmets on Mary.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Zombie Food!

brains....sure beatsa flat burger.


Pepsi bringin it for 2012!

Rihana and Devil Horns...Illuminatti

Rihanna is actually aware that people always accuse her of being in the Illuminati and she even tweeted something related to the Illuminati. She tweeted: “If anyone ever asks me something about the Illuminati, they will mysteriously get killed.” She also denied being in the Illuminati. That’s sounds familiar, just like all the other artists that mysteriously got killed?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

Pepsi can depicts 9/11 Scene

Pepsi can depicting plane flying over building. This can was manufactured in the Mid-East and later pulled from the shelves for a redsign. The buildings allegedly depict the city of Dubai. Yes this is a real Diet Pepsi can!

Idaho Wolves

Idaho Wolves
Don't forget to zip up your tent when camping in Idaho..origin unknown.

Obama Punk'd by College Kid!

Vote Ron Paul Obama Picture
This picture must have been taken at the Delta Tau Chi house...what next? FOOD FIGHT!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tostitos Logo....Hidden pic?

The Tostitos logo has a not so hidden message. The letters TIT are two actually people enjoying Mexican food at a table.

Glorious Volcano

Volcano Tungurahua in Ecuador erupts about every 90 years—it's a schedule the mountain has kept for 1300 years. This photo was taken by Patrick Taschler in 2006. (Via Astronomy Photo of the Day and Alexandra Witze)

My favorite Ice Cream

 Wp-Content Uploads 2011 06 Bacon Icecram

What tastes better...the bacon or the egg flavor?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Amazing Cow

Obviously, this cow's spots were put there by a designer. But our question for evolutionists is this: If you agree that the cow's spots are designed, why won't you agree that the actual cow – which is so much more complex than the arrangement of its spots – was designed as well?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Yosemite Waterfall turns in "Flowing Lava"?

Fiery illusion: Mid-February sunsets in Yosemite National Park lights a natural firefall from Glacier Point illuminating one of the park's lesser-known waterfalls so precisely that it resembles molten lava
A window of time just opened in Yosemite National Park when nature photographers wait, as if for an eclipse, until the moment when the sun and earth align to create a fleeting phenomenon.This marvel of celestial configuration happens in a flash at sunset in mid-February — if the winter weather cooperates. On those days the setting sun illuminates one of the park's lesser-known waterfalls so precisely that it resembles molten lava as it flows over the sheer granite face of the imposing El Capitan
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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

World's Oldest Living Thing

Scientists say a patch of ancient seagrass in the Mediterranean is up to 200,000 years and could be the oldest known living thing on Earth. Australian researchers, who genetically sampled the seagrass covering  40 sites from Spain to Cyprus, say it is one of the world's most resilient organisms - but it has now begun to decline due to global warming.
Seagrass maay be 200,000 years old!

Australian scientists sequenced the DNA of samples of the giant seagrass, Posidonia oceanic, from 40 underwater meadows in an area spanning more than 2,000 miles, from Spain to Cyprus.

Mixed Signals!

Do you sometimes get mixed signals....confused!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Seal Team 6?

Navy Seals (Photo)
Analysis: This image was posted hither and yon in mid-2011 along with the claim that it depicts Navy SEAL Team 6, the outfit that raided Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan and killed the elusive al-Qaeda leader on May 2, 2011.
But that's not Navy SEAL Team 6 you see depicted above, nor, in fact, are you looking at real Navy SEALs at all. They're 12-inch-tall (1:6) action figures customized and photographed in 2009 by a Malaysian blogger and action figure enthusiast who calls himself "Nerdpride aka Crazychildren." He has acknowledged creating the tableau.
A larger version of the image reveals suspect details such as ill-tailored uniforms composed of some unnatural-looking fabric and what is clearly a plastic forearm sported by the figure furthest to the right.

9/11 Tourist Guy Hoax

 Heeeeeere's Johnny!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Broncos Divine Sign

Denver Broncos....victory signs everywhere! Thanks Tebow.

Killer Bird Flu

Deadly: The new strain could wipe out millions of people at a time

A group of scientists is pushing to publish research about how they created a man-made flu virus that could potentially wipe out civilisation.

The deadly virus is a genetically tweaked version of the H5N1 bird flu strain, but is far more infectious and could pass easily between millions of people at a time.

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